Ross Linsdey was born in Macon, Ga. August 2nd 1956. At the age of seven I saw The Beatles on the Ed Sullivan Show. Yes, I remember it well. Ringo looked at me from the TV, pointed his right drum stick at me, and said "ROSS (that's me), you're cursed. From now on you HAVE to play drums." And so, I did. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
I got my first set of drums that following Christmas, started private lessons, began rehearsing with my grammar school band, and within 6 months started playing with a rock group who where in their teens, and had my first paying gigs before school was out for summer. I continued with the school band through the 8th grade, but, my thang was rock n' roll.
I played almost every weekend throughout my school years. The bands I were in held most rehearsals in "THE BASEMENT" at my house. I practiced alone for hours every chance I got. You know what I'm saying; headphones on, picking up that needle off the record and putting it back....putting it back....over n' over....n' over....n' over again. MAN! How did my family put up with that?
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